Mister and miss fresher, after a few weeks in the university, how does it feel? It must be very interesting being in the university, isn't it? The beautiful environment, wonderful buildings you never saw in your high school, free internet, 'hot' chics and 'cool' dudes, and of course, absolute freedom. Wow! It's amazing.
Up to now, you should have noticed how the other students are utilizing the freedom they have in campus. I don't deny it should be utilized. In fact, it should be utilized maximally. It may be the highest degree of pretense to deny that having no teacher or prefect pushing you to do this and that is a good feeling. Even better, being away from the parents' tight rules. I will boldly say and be responsible for it; utilize the freedom maximally!
One thing you should always remember, however, is that you aren't the first to join campus, neither are you the last. In that case, there is no real peculiarity in you joining campus. Therefore, make sure that the manner in which you utilize the freedom will be unique and different from the way all others have used it.
With a positive mindset, this would translate to not taking drugs as many have always used the freedom to take drugs, not gambling, stealing , hooking or involving yourself in any other criminal activity. Similarly, I know one thing you really desired about campus is the ready availability of ladies and lack of restriction on the interactions. Please my friend, there is no pleasure in sleeping with every beautiful girl you come across, neither is there in establishing 'love' relationships in them.
Most campus relationships normally turn out to be infatuations simply due to lack of seriousness and faithfulness. Why don't you identify a serious partner and settle down with him or her in a serious relationship? What satisfaction will having a taste of all the girls in campus give you? Remember irresponsible sex is one mistake with so many repercussions glued to it. Feeling that you are an exception is what psychologists call 'neuro-stupidity'. Drugs can lead you to permanent insanity. Alcohol use, despite the amount you use, is totally harmful to your health. Should I even talk of betting? You already know what it has caused to so many students who, some, have even committed suicide. Please find another means of getting your own income. If you can't, minimize your expenditure.
Pause, take a minute of silence, reflect back to your village, your home, your family, your parents, your siblings. How is the village? How is your family? How is your home? What of your parents and siblings? Do they look like they need you? Of course they do. Why then do you want to disappoint them?
Consider all the young minds in the village who look up to you since you have made it. Will you mislead them? What of your peers who always admire you since they never made it to where you are, will you let them mock you? Your teachers who always gave you the best and are now expecting you to be a shining citizen, will you disappoint them? Remember your parents and siblings who have sacrificed a lot to let you learn. Consider how hopeful they are on you, will you kill their only hope? Instead of the campus changing you, why don't you change it?
Now you know that you're more than your own. The decisions you make not only affect you but many others, that some you may never even know. The campus doesn't need to change you, it needs you to change it. The best way to change it is being an example yourself. FREEDOM COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITY.
This article is particularly addressed to freshers but anyone who finds it important can read it.
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